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You reap what you sow!!

A boy was talking with his grandfather.

“What do you think about the world situation?” he asked.

The grandfather replied, “I feel like wolves are fighting in my heart.
One is full of anger and hatred; the other is full of love, forgiveness, and peace.”

“Which one will win?” asked the boy.

To which the grandfather replied, “The one I feed.”
(Origin Unknown)

This simple story provides the essence of a life-changing law of the universe…You become what you think about. The words are almost too simple to “feel important.” However, if you “get it,” if you truly understand their meaning, you can forever harness the power of a positive attitude. Simply stated…if we choose to think positive thoughts, we’ll get positive results; if we think negative thoughts, we’ll get negative results. Pretend for a moment that every thought is a seed you sow in your fertile mind. Therefore, as I once heard someone say, “If you plant crabapple, don’t expect to harvest Golden Delicious.” You will reap the fruit of the thoughts you sow.


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